Learn Lettering

The best way to learn lettering, no matter what style, is by practicing daily. Joining the Happy Lettering Challenge is a great way to practicing, giving you new words every day. You can learn a lot by practicing and studying others who participate in the challenge.

Please remember that if you are inspired by others in your own work it is considered good practice to @mention them, and remember that it is not OK to steal or copy other’s works. Make sure you ask permission if you want to copy others.

If you want some extra help getting started or exploring more styles and options, here are some suggestions:

Downloadable Practice Sheets

Instantly downloadable practice sheets for Happy Lettering Challenge, for small and large brush pens, featuring different styles each month for you to explore and practice!

Video with tips and instructions

Video demonstration with tips and instructions in real time including instantly downloadable practice sheets for Happy Lettering Challenge, for small and large brush pens, featuring different styles each month for you to explore and practice!